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A week end in Seattle, WA

Living in the Bay area means people are coming and going very often.

Recently one of my best friend moved to Seattle, WA. 😢

Well, it gave me the opportunity to visit this beautiful city

and lucky me it was a sunny week end. 😎

We agreed to the week end of Sept 30, 2016 since there was a knitting event

in Vancouver, BC that I have always wanted to attend.

Take off was at down Friday morning!!

For once the flight was smooth and I was able to take a few good pictures from my window seat.

Before landing into Settle airport we passed over the city.

The fair weather allowed me to take nice pictures from above.

Welcome to Seattle, WA

Once on the ground, best way to reach downtown was light rail,

because the traffic in Seattle is legendary and I

didn't want to waist any time on my week end.😋

It is very easy and people are nice enough to help of needed.

You can take a ticket to your destination at a machine.

It was $3 one way.

Once downtown, I met with my friend and took a ferry to Brainridge Island,

just a short ferry ride away.

It was $8 one way.

You only pay to go to the island. It is free to return to Seattle.

We were heading to the Plucky market happening on the Island that week end 😋

We found all our favorite yarn there and even got a birthday gift for my friend.

Then we took a tour of the shopping area of the island before heading back to Seattle.

We found a great crèperie to have delicious lunch

We were delighted to visit Churchmouse yarn and tea store.

They had a lot of very cute products and some French teas.

We ended Day 1 in Seattle by going home early to rest

as another day full of great adventures was awaited us!!


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